Essential Academic Skills
A passing score on the National Evaluation Series™ Essential Academic Skills test is not required for Oregon licensure. Oregon preparation programs may require candidates to take and pass the test.
Candidates who are required by their preparation program to take this test must pass 3 subtests.
Subtest I: Reading
Subtest II: Writing
Subtest III: Mathematics
Computer-based test (CBT) and online-proctored test; multiple-choice questions and a written assignment
Subtest I 1 : 45 multiple-choice questions
Subtest II 2 : 36 multiple-choice questions and 1 written assignment
Subtest III 3 : 45 multiple-choice questions
Computer-Based Testing
CBT tutorial and nondisclosure agreement: 15 minutes
Subtest I 1 : 1 hour testing time
Subtest II 2 : 1 hour and 15 minutes testing time
Subtest III 3 : 1 hour testing time
You may register to take one, two, or all three subtests at an administration.
Online Proctoring
Tutorial and nondisclosure agreement: 15 minutes
Subtest I 1 : 1 hour testing time
Subtest II 2 : 1 hour and 15 minutes testing time
Subtest III 3 : 1 hour testing time
Subtests are administered in separate testing sessions; therefore, candidates must register for each subtest separately.
Computer-Based Testing
You may take restroom breaks during testing. Time taken for breaks is considered part of the available testing time.
Online Proctoring
Subtest I 1 : No breaks are allowed.
Subtest II 2 : No breaks are allowed.
Subtest III 3 : No breaks are allowed.
Test Dates
Computer-Based Testing
By appointment, year round. Test appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Check seat availability .
Online Proctoring
By appointment with an online proctor during one-week testing windows each month
Test Sites
Computer-Based Testing
CBT sites are located in Oregon and nationwide. Locate a test center .
Online Proctoring
You may test remotely, including from home. Review system and testing environment requirements .
Passing Score
220 per subtest; examinees must pass subtests I 1 , II 2 , and III 3 to pass the test
Reference Materials Provided for this Test
Test Fee
Computer-Based Testing
$50 50 dollars for Essential Academic Skills Subtest I 1 : Reading
$50 50 dollars for Essential Academic Skills Subtest II 2 : Writing
$70 70 dollars for Essential Academic Skills Subtest III 3 : Mathematics
$75 75 dollars for two Essential Academic Skills subtests
$120 120 dollars for three Essential Academic Skills subtests
Review payment information .
Online Proctoring
$50 50 dollars for Essential Academic Skills Subtest I 1 : Reading or Subtest II 2 : Writing
$70 70 dollars for Essential Academic Skills Subtest III 3 : Mathematics
Candidates must pay for each subtest separately.
Review payment information .
Score Reporting
Computer-Based Testing
Subtests I 1 and III 3 : Your test results are provided immediately after testing; your score report is released within two weeks of testing.
Subtest II 2 : Your score report is released within four weeks of testing.
Online Proctoring
Subtests I 1 and III 3 : your score report is released within two weeks of testing.
Subtest II 2 : Your score report is released within four weeks of testing. Candidates taking an online-proctored test will not receive preliminary test results when their test ends.
Testing Policies
When you register, you must agree to abide by all testing rules and policies. Read them now .
View the tutorials and preparation materials available for this test .
Tests may include test questions that are being evaluated for future administrations and that do not affect a candidate's score.